Information manager is a personal information manager (PIM) that helps you organize and plan your business and personal life. It's a planner, notepad and address book.It is organized in a tree-structured form.

Collect all the bits and pieces of information, that is of use to you or stimulate some interest, quickly put into Information manager for future reference

You don't have to deal with many .TXT files any more. Group and organize your notes in hypertext note folders like this one. You will need more Information manager files only when you need to create different category of notes. Information manager automatically compresses your notes to save on disk space.

It is useful for storing many kinds of information like notes, recipes, quotes, Web locations, pictures and entire Web pages. The program enables you to use search and print functions and it can be also be integrated with your favorite e-mail program and Web browser. You can also launch the program from the system tray.

Using the tools, you can perform main text-formatting functions such as changing font size and style, highlighting, underlining, using italics, bold typing, setting margins and marked lists. Documents can be moved to any other section of the program.

Links to external documents or to the web sites is supported. Just drag and drop items from the Windows Explorer or Favorites from Internet Explorer. Then, put your notes in the links to aid your memory. Auto detection of web URLs is also supported.



Information Manager





System requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP Logo